Planning your gathering

It's crucial to remember that our primary aim is to cultivate a spirit of fraternity. The financial gains we hope to achieve are merely the ripple effects of setting love into action. Our endeavor begins with igniting a passion for togetherness and fraternity in everyone involved. Through patience and steadfast dedication, we will fulfill the needs of the children and families we support. This journey isn't just about meeting material needs; it's about nurturing a community where compassion and solidarity pave the way for tangible change.

With a deep understanding of our values, you're now ready to embark on planning your gathering. Here are a few suggestions to ensure your event is a true reflection of what we stand for:


Step 1: Define Your Objective

Determine what you want to achieve with the gathering. Is it to raise awareness about the organization, funds for a specific initiative or project, or both? Understanding your goal will guide all subsequent planning steps.

Step 2: Choose the Type of Event

Decide on the kind of gathering that best suits your objective and audience. This could be a dinner, workshop, cultural event, or a casual meet-up.

Step 3: Plan the Details

Choose a convenient date and a location that fits the size and style of your event. Outline a budget, considering venue, food, activities, and any other costs. Aim for minimal expenses to maximize the funds raised for. Based on the projects we support, select a theme and plan activities that will engage and educate attendees about the cause.

Step 4: Engage with the Event Coordination TEAM

Please, fill out the Volunteer Event Submission Form. Ensure your event is in line with the current needs and messaging. We can offer resources or promotional material to support your gathering. Connect with the project/initiative leads to learn the latest updates that you might need to share with the audience. Also, leverage them to get all your questions answered prior to the event – your questions might be the same as your guests. Clearly communicate to attendees how their contributions will be used. Trust is crucial in charity events.

Step 5: Promote Your Event

Use the pre-set design invitations and marketing materials that reflect the event's purpose. Use both digital and physical formats if necessary. The pre-set designs serve as suggestions to streamline your event. Our volunteer team may not be equipped to accommodate personalized designs due to its size. However, if you wish to create something tailored, please reach out to our events team for approval regarding the use of FWB images. Contact information is provided at the end of this document.
Leverage your social media platforms to reach a broader audience if needed. Consistent, engaging posts can build interest and attendance. Engage local businesses, schools, and community centers to promote your event and potentially secure sponsorships or donations. Tag Fraternity Without Borders Canada in social media stories before, during, and after to help promoting the event.

Step 6: Execute the Event

Arrive early to set up the venue according to your plan. As the host, welcome guests warmly, facilitate activities, and keep the event flowing smoothly. Use the event as an opportunity to share information about Fraternity Without Borders, encouraging attendees to support the cause in various ways. Tag Fraternity Without Borders Canada in social media stories during your event.

Step 7: Follow Up

Send personalized thank you messages to attendees, sponsors, and anyone who contributed to the event's success. Inform participants about the outcome of the event, including funds raised and how it will support the charity's initiatives.

Step 8: Reflect and Report Back

Reflect on what worked well and what could be improved for future events. Share your experiences, feedback, and suggestions with Fraternity Without Borders to help refine future volunteer-led initiatives. As possible, we can report donations outcomes on the event day if our platform was used (PayPal). If you worked with a partner, ensure you thank them for their contribution and add them with their consent to the FWB email list.

Contact Us

As you move forward with planning your gathering, remember that it is more than just an event; it’s a testament to the world we envision and the values we live by. Each detail, from the theme to the activities and the way you communicate, should be a reflection of compassion, unity, respect, and transparency.

In doing so, you're not just organizing an event; you're nurturing a community of like-minded individuals ready to stand with Fraternity Without Borders in our quest to build a world without borders, one gathering at a time.

Thank you for your dedication and for choosing to make your volunteer initiative a beacon of our shared values. Together, let's inspire change, one heart, one gathering at a time.

Event Coordination Team